Monday 14 May 2012



  1. The packaging gives modern, neat and innovative impression. It would be nice if the pill punch end part slides side to side. It is exciting if all pill packaging have this.

  2. Your design really appeals for someone with arthritis as this helps them push out the pill easier. Making it a built in puncher also provides ease. For improvement, maybe have something that can serve it to the user, without using their hands to pick up the pill. Just a thought. Overall, a well thought out design!

  3. I really like this idea of having pills easily available, i like the simplicity you have opted for in your final product. I think you could have made a clearer indication on the package as to how it is used, especially since it is aimed towards the elderly.

  4. Nice design Musa. I think your solution does well in addressing the issue. The design is innovative and it has a good appearance and so it seems like a real product packaging.
    And I think you can add a tamper-evident design to the product. Pecause it seems to be that the packaging one end of the packaging is rather open to the environment eventhough there is a clip-lock mechanism, but it does not completely seal the contents inside. So I think a secondary packaging may be required or some tamper-proof design is necessary.

  5. great model and overall design. the rationale is a little tech heave though.

  6. I think your design was well thought out as your target was for the elderly so it is tamper proof but also easily accessible at the same time. In my opinion your design address your target market just as well as it does your design solution well done
